Year 1 2024/25
We have been working on our glockenspiel skills in Music this week. The children have really enjoyed singing and perfecting our song: In The Grove!
This week, Year 1 have been thinking about mindfulness. We have started every afternoon with yoga!
In Art this week, Year 1 have been looking at weaving. We discovered how clothes and baskets were made using the technique weaving. We had a go at making woven placemats with card and paper.
Y1 have been learning about toys from the past in their history lesson.
The children look amazing in their nativity costumes. All ready for their performance!

The children have been learning about the 'PANTS' rule with Pantosaurus. The children have learnt that they need to keep their private parts private and tell a trusted adult if anybody asks to see or touch their private areas. The children did very well and were able to name lots of trusted adults who they could talk to, in school or at home if they were feeling uncomfortable.
This week year 1 had lots of fun finding number bonds to 9. The children worked so well together and enjoyed finding all the number bonds. Good job year 1!
Year 1 have been very busy in Maths, Pathways to Write, and right across the curriculum! They are working super hard every day!
This week the children had discovered the images for our sorting activity had been nibbled! Who could have done this? Year 1 shared their ideas of who they believed could be behind this.
The children have been practicing their handwriting, whilst focusing on the sound 'ee'. The children took their time to write the different 'ee' words. Can you think of any words with the special friend 'ee'?
This week the children have enjoyed completing drip paintings just like the artist Jackson Pollock. The children used a range of colours and also added some black to their paint to make shades. The children had a fantastic time painting but did get very messy!
The children have enjoyed sorting objects into groups. The children have sorted objects into groups of colour, size, and object type.
This week the children have enjoyed roleplaying a conversation between the boy and the penguin from the story Lost and Found. The children had to roleplay a conversation between the 2 characters where the lost penguin arrived at the boys door.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed creating collages using different shapes. The children were asked to create an abstract collage using primary colours (red, blue and yellow). The children learnt about the artist Piet Mondrian who liked painting using primary colours with black lines and white spaces. Piet created abstract pieces of art. Abstract art uses colours, lines and shapes to express the artist's feeling.
Year 1 2023/24
On art day, Year 1 made felt bowls. It was very sticky!
Year 1 have enjoyed sharing information about themselves. We have discussed 'what makes us happy' and given special recognition to the children who have helped make us feel happy and settle into our new classrooms this week. Well done for having a brilliant first week Year 1!
Year 1 2022/23
Year 1 had THE best time ever at Smithills Farm! We did SO many things and had SO much fun! Have a look at our photos to see some of the fun!!
The fun and hard work never stops in Y1!
Recently, as well as celebrating King Charles III’s coronation, we have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We’ve also had a go at recreating some watercolour art work in the style of L S Lowry.
Year 1 have loved making Coronation Crowns ready for our street party lunch, celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III.
We have had lots of fun today in Year 1.
We dressed up as animals, we shared our favourite stories with our friends in Year 3 and we listened to Mrs Hill and Mr Clarke read their favourite children’s stories to us. Mrs Hill chose ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ and Mr Clarke read ‘The Glassmaker’s Daughter’.
Our class book was Giraffes can’t dance! We listened to the story being read to music and then we added some dance moves! Mrs Unsworth and Miss Aiysha gave us all a giraffe mask so that we looked like Gerald!
We had lots of fun in January learning all about a story called Lost & Found.
Now we are looking at Recounts. Mrs Unsworth shared a recount of her trip to the shops with us. We made a story map and put actions to her recount.
Then we had a go at writing our own recounts of things we had done at the weekend. We tried really hard to include the time words…. First…. Then….. Next….After that…. Finally.
In our maths lessons, we have been busy learning our number bonds to 10 and then progressing on to looking at our number bonds to 20.
We have used counters, cubes, number lines and the interactive whiteboard to help us with our learning!
Year 1 have been out and about, walking the route they created from our school to St Joseph's School last week!
They were so good at following the map and talking about where they were going and very impressed when they got to the school!
Well done Year 1!!
In Year 1 last week, we were learning all about the seasons in our Science lessons. We know that according to what season it is, our clothes that we wear need to change. We had to dress the Gruffalo in the correct clothes for the different seasons.
Today we started our new Topic 'Our Local Area' . We learnt about where we live, what the compass points are, where are they in our classroom and we made an aerial view of our classroom. The children had so much fun :)
In science, we have been sorting animals and grouping them.
This afternoon we learned about artefacts and talked about our favourite part of our 'Gunpowder Plot' topic. We then shared one fact that we had all learned with each other.
We had so much fun learning about ‘People who work in science-related jobs'. We had a visit from the nurse, and made ‘posters for washing our hands. We went to the vet's role-play and even had a visit from a real-life vet! Then we finished off the day by; learning about different parts of our bodies, identifying germs, and revisiting the importance of washing our hands.
Year 1 2021/22
This week we had our school trip to Blackpool Zoo! We had such a fabulous time and saw lots of animals! Here are just a few photos from our super fun day!
Today in DT we made our very own Tuna pasta salads and learnt about the benefits of eating tuna :)
Today in Year 1 we made potato salads. We learnt about hygiene, how to prepare food and make a yummy delicious potato salad using potatoes, mayonnaise and chives!!
Today we pressed flowers. We collected some flowers from outside and also used some shop bought flowers. We stuck them onto our very own bookmarks and put them inside a book to flatten them. Once they have dried out we are going to laminate them and use them as bookmarks :)
Today we had so much fun for '100 things to do.' We learnt how to take part in board games. We learnt how to play snakes and ladders :)
In History, we have been learning about Nurses from the past....Today we learnt about Edith Cavell and made Red Cross Hospitals and wrote facts about her.
Year 1 have loved being creative this week and making our Easter cards! We hope you like them!
We had such a lovely time creating our Valentine’s cards this week!
We have been making sandwiches in Year 1! We had been learning about algorithms in Computing, and then put the instructions into the right order. When that was sorted, we could follow the instructions to make sandwiches!
We have been making Batik in Year 1! It was lots of fun!
We went for a walk today to look at lots of different materials around our local area for our Science lesson!
We had such a great day on Wellbeing Wednesday! This is us and our Race for Life signs – we ran 5km!
We’ve been working super hard in maths this week. Some of us have been using practical equipment to help us understand tens and ones.
In our SCARF lesson today we learnt all about the inside of our wonderful bodies. We drew round some children and had to put the pictures in the correct place.
In computing today we learnt how to follow instructions and use the tools on purple mash to create two pictures. Here is a painting of our birds. We had to listen to Mrs Smythe to know which colour to choose and which part of the body to paint. We had so much fun and listened really well
In DT today we explored different fabrics and made our own hair.
Today we made fruit kebabs in our SCARF lesson and learnt about healthy eating!
Year 1 have been learning about Jewish harvest festival and have been making their very own ‘Sukkah’ tents. A sukkah tent is made by Jewish people and they spend as much time in there over the harvest festival. We learnt that a Sukkah needs to have 3 walls and the roof is made out of natural items such as sticks, leaves, grass, branches etc.